Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Know about Daily life in the Time of Jesus

Everyone wants to get closer to the Lord, wants to know Him in a better way. One of the ways to do so is to know about His life and His land. When you know His life, you know how His paths and you know the very facts which will help you to follow His footsteps. Know more about the unknown Jesus through Bible Land Shop’s ‘Daily Life in the Time of Jesus’.   

‘Daily Life in the Time of Jesus’ is an exclusive documentary movie of 90 minutes. In these 90 minutes you will go back 2000 years ago and will relive those moments. You will walk with the Lord in His land; you will follow His culture in its purest form; you will listen to His words, those very words which affected the mankind like never before.

Supported with vibrant landscapes and dramatic scenes, the messages have become livelier. You will be transported in time, as the camera angles had cleverly managed to capture familiar vistas – The Sea of Galilee, the Judean hills, the Jordan Valley – without any trace of modern life. You and your family are surely going to have a wonderful time with this latest documentary of Bible Land Shop.

So don’t wait any more. Visit our site and grab a whole new collection of movie DVDs and save up to $5 as these DVDs are now available at sale price. 

Jesus Movie DVD and 2011 Jesus Calendar at Bible Land Shop

Nothing can be better than to start your day with the blessings of the Lord. His blessings guide you throughout the day. It gives you the push that you need to start your day with. So to make your each day special with His blessings Bible Land Shop bring you the Jesus movie DVD and 2011 Jesus Calendar. Get closer to His land and enhance your knowledge with these enlightening products of Bible Land Shop.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know about that person in details whose deeds and words have so drastically changed the whole scenario of mankind? How very blissful it would be to walk through the same lands in which are engraved His footprints! Is it possible to go back 2000 years ago and have the same experience of the holy land? Yes! It is very much possible. We have made it possible for you.

The movies and DVDs of Bible Land Shop have been filmed entirely in Jesus own land within His own culture so that you get a clear picture of His daily chores. Know more about the unknown Jesus and go into a deep exploration of time that will enthrall you. Get a whole new experience and get a fuller picture of our Lord.

Our 2011 double-sided calendar has successfully captured His life and His land. From harvesting to supper gatherings, from rearing the cattle to crushing the olives and grapes to make the vine, this calendar gives you a glimpse to His life. On the other side, it also has today’s panoramas of the Holy Land.

Bible Land Shop offers you the Jesus movie DVD at an amazing discounted price of $19.95. Also, you can now buy the 2011 calendar at the sale price of just $4.95 from our store.

Unique Jesus Movie on Daily Life in the time of Jesus

Every land has its own history and so does the Holy Land of Israel. You all must be familiar with this place as this is the place where the savior of humanity, Jesus Christ, was born. He was born and brought up among the common people and lived a simple life. Have you ever wondered how He led His life? What landscape has he past through? Who has he met and where?

Sure you must have done. You must have been curious to know all that you can about the Messiah. Bible Land Shop presents you a unique Jesus movie on ‘Daily Life at the Time of Jesus’ which will take you through His miraculous journey and never forgotten paths. Experience the life behind the biblical text and travel the locations where Jesus sojourned and preached.

Daily Life at the Time of Jesus’ is a masterful demonstration of Jesus’ development and teachings and how they were so intertwined with His growing up in a Jewish family in the small farming village of Nazareth .

Bring home a whole new collection of movies and DVDs of ‘Daily Life at the Time of Jesus’ from Bible Land Shop and witness the Glory of God's Promised Land and experience the world of our Lord. These movies and DVDs are now available at our store at a sale price of $19.95. So hurry! Buy them from our store and save $5.

2011 Calendar: Double-Sided 2 in 1 Calendar

2000 years ago, Jesus, The Messiah, descended from heaven to change the mankind, to salvage and secure the sanctity of humanity and sacrificed His life in the realization of His dream. The holy land of Israel bathed in His blessings and was enlightened with His preaching. He lived among the common people yet He was uncommon. Most of you must have wondered that what was the holy land used to be like during His times and what was the day to day routine of the people.

So to give you a sneak peek into the life style and thus a better understanding of how it was to live in those times and how His learning took shape and how he learned various lessons while working with His father in the fields, talking to other people and getting together at meal tables, Bible Land Shop brings you the 2011 calendar which will help you to get a better view of the times back then.

This calendar will take you back to those tough times, those un-imaginable landscapes and the daily cores of the people we have worshiped ever since we have been alive. Every month in the calendar is a vision of the Holy man and His life bringing you closer to the God himself.

This understanding of His life and lifestyle needs is complimented with the understanding of the Holy Land where he resided. So to keep it all right in front of your eyes is this calendar ‘The Holy Land’ which have the beautiful picturesque like the Palaces of the King, the garden of Edan or Mount of Olive and the different landscapes.

Bible Land Shop introduces you to ‘Daily Life in the Time of Jesus’. It is one of those rare pieces that gets into lives of Jesus and people around him and shows us how they lived.

So what are you waiting for? Buy double-sided 2-in-1 calendar from our store and start your day with a trip to the holy Land.